me and my bear!!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Beach Life

This is my second full day on the beach ... it's wonderful being a beach bum! When I grow up, I want to have a beach house and go every weekend!!! :) That would be the life! Let my kiddos be raised on the beach pretty much, sun lovers! lol. I am getting brown-ish, much darker than before! I am going for a big run in the morning, should be nice to run in the quietness of the ocean with the waves crashing and that's all I hear, waves and breathing! I can't wait... 7:00am. In other news, my love of my life will be back later this month!!! yay!!! I am hoping the weekend after the first week of classes!! :D SOOOO ready for him to be back! Anyway not much else to say. The life of the beach bum is lazy ... sleep til mid-morning then wake up and lounge on the beach. But the waves were really killer today, they were throwing me around! Lol! But it was still nice! It's also fun to see the little kiddos running around and getting in the water and playing around in the water and building sand castles ... that use to be my favorite! Then coming back and showering and eating dinner... had seafood tonight, mmmmmm!!! yummy!!!

...Keeping The Faith...