So I have four dogs right, well Beau slept in my room last night, on my couch. When I woke up this morning to let him out my couch was COVERED in his short little doggie hair. It took me like 10 sheets off a roller to get it all off. Not to mention, I'm sure my comforter has loads of it on there too because him and Belvadeer and sometimes Shiloh lay all over it because they are all so spoiled. You would think I would be use to dog hair because I work in it a lot of the time, when I do work and I'm not in school, but geez it drives me insane how much comes out all the time. Like the dogs should be bald with the amount they loose! Anyway, that's my spheel about dog hair...
Otherwise, my day has been pretty good! Before I went in to work I ran into The Jewelry Warehouse and got my sister a towel coverup to take to college with her with her initial on it. It is her birthday today and that's what I got her! Though I won't be able to get it til Monday, that's what a lack of money will get you, late presents and other problems, but I digress on that topic. Then I grabbed a Baconator from Wendy's ... may I say, delicious!! mmm!!! Anyway then I was at work. It was good day, like usual. Some crazy shelter appointments as always. One dog had hook and whipworms, but she was super cute!! I just hope this shelter agreement thing actually brings VCA some visits. Unlike the "gentleman" today who was very rude about wanting to transfer his pets somewhere else that was cheaper. He could have just asked for the records, but oh nooo he had to make a scene. At least no one was in there to see his charade of anger. Whatever, that's what you deal with when dealing with the general public sometimes. Then I came home and we got Grand Street for tonight, but tomorrow night we are going out to celebrate Kaley's birthday!! Turned 18 today ... all grown up and going to save China, I mean go to college! [That was a Mulan reference if you haven't seen the movie] haha! Then after dinner we chilled out and a huge thunderstorm came up and poured rain and thundered and lightened. Meanwhile, during the storm, Shiloh is having his usual fit got out of his cage and came and hid behind my back while I was sitting in the chair. Now back to the dog hair subject ... he sheds like a big dog when he is nervous. Oh and let me tell you, he was worked up. panting everywhere and slobbering from panting so hard, so we then proceeded to play keep away from him (me and my sister) and he got hair alllll over the rug in the living room. It's like an angora rug now, instead of the normal carpet feeling rug it should be. Well my sister can just vacuum it up tomorrow, all in her choirs anyway! Then we ran to Goodberries, it was delicious. Not too much rain on that side of Raleigh. I'm glad we got a lot though, because I ran our well dry last night, well not dry, but the water coming out of the faucets was a tinge brown. and no one wants to shower in dirty water, but I guess the dirt could be like a little free exfoliant! :) Though I think I will still pay money for my microbeads that I use for exfoliation! Now we are back here, I'm about to sleep so I can sleep in for the first time in a while, yay!! Beach count down 2 weeks ... Mike countdown 36 days!! :) Although that means classes countdown like 34 days, which is not long at all :( Anyway ttfn!!
"We died to sin; how can we live in it any longer? Or don't you know that all of us who were baptized into Christ Jesus were baptized into his death? We were therefore buried with him through baptism into death in order that, just as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, we too may live a new life." Romans 6:2b-4...Keeping The Faith...